Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

For the last eight years Josie, 43, has suffered from persistent cold and flu viruses and extreme fatigue.  Just to get through the day, she took maximum doses of cold and flu remedies and drank coffee and Red Bull to keep her alert.  By mid morning at work Josie was exhausted, nauseous and barely able to concentrate on the job she so loves.  She would somehow get through the day but as soon as she got home would go straight to bed.  In the morning she awoke feeling un-refreshed to face another day of headaches, stuffy nose and respiratory problems.  At the weekend she stayed in bed nearly all the time in an effort to get her energy up for the following week.


Josie consulted a number of GPs who at best were puzzled and at worst disinterested.  She continued with the over the counter remedies until one day she felt so bad she consulted a specialist who diagnosed functional dyspepsia – a painful condition that affects the gut, disrupts digestion and leads to bloating, nausea and discomfort.


Despite following a very healthy diet and supplementing with vitamins, Josie could not shift her digestive problems nor her persistent colds and chronic fatigue.


By this time Josie was close to thinking she would need to leave work.  She runs a busy Postal hub exchange centre and adores her work: she was very worried that she may have to give up due to her ill health.


After nearly eight years of debilitation, Josie read about two natural products – Immunecare Colostrum and Immunecare Lactoferrin – that are known to help boost the immune system, fight off viruses, stabilise and heal the gut and help the body get back to good health and remain strong.  Josie called Immunecare and was pleasantly surprised to be given personal advice on the phone before she ordered the two sets of tablets.


After just the third day, Josie was able to work throughout the day without resorting to caffeine boosters.  Within a week she worked a full day and then went home – but not straight to bed.  She was able to cook a meal and potter about a little.  She didn’t need to spend the weekend in bed either: her energy was definitely returning.


At work she felt much more alert and was significantly more productive.  For the first time in years Josie was feeling positive and stronger.


Within a month of taking the Immunecare Colostrum and Immunecare Lactoferrin, Josie felt able to stop taking the cold and flu remedies totally – having cut them right down.  She was amazed by her own energy levels and was relieved that the ‘weight’ she had dragged around for so many years had finally lifted.   Aside from the physical improvements Josie has also noticed she had distinct clarity of thought where before everything seemed ‘foggy’.


Josie’s social life is also back on track and she is working at full capacity.  Plus she enjoys her time at home relaxing – it’s no longer just a bolthole where she can fall into bed!